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Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi

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Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi  Empty Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi

Message  Domenico K Jeu 21 Aoû 2014 - 23:16

Petit post très intéressant pour différencier ces deux espèces..

Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi  110

Fig. 1. Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - No bright stripes on patella.

Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi  211

Fig. 2. Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - A significant fringe of long hair on top of metatarsus and tarsus. And enlarged scopula on the metatarsus, leg IV.

Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi  311

Fig. 3. Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - Bright stripes on patella, and orange spinnerets.

Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi  411

Fig. 4. Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Old adult female, postmoult) - The bright stripes on patella are barely visible in older specimens, or when in premoult.

N.B : Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Formerly known as Haplopelma sp. "longipedum"). Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Formerly known as Haplopelma sp. "Vietnam"). Both species are often sold under the wrong names; Cyriopagopus paganus and Ornithoctonus gadgili.
Domenico K
Domenico K

Nombre de messages : 677
Age : 60
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2009

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